Tomi Ungerer, Babylon. Zürch: Diogenes Verlag, 2014. Paperback, 112 pp. 27x22cm. Paperback with flaps. Soft touch cover with embossed title.
Preface by Swiss writer and playwright Friedrich Dürrenmatt.
"Gewiss, ein rücksichtsloses Buch, grausam wie jede Apokalypse. Doch gerade von diesem schlimmen Visionenher ist der Ungerer des "'Liederbuches' und des 'Heidi' zu begreifen..."
"Certainly, a ruthless book, as cruel as any apocalypse. But it is precisely from this terrible vision that we can comprehend the ogre of the “‘Liederbuch’ and ‘Heidi’...”
Fourth edition. Originally published in 1979 as volume 63 in the Club der Bibliomanen. Contains pencil drawings from the period 1977-79.
A collection of 110 full-page pencil drawings.
Good. Firm book block. Clean inside. Spine straight. Visible shelf wear on soft touch cover. Remaindered stamp and marking on lower edge: 'Preisreduziertes Mangelexemplar', but no visible defects whatsoever (except noted shelf wear).