A great portfolio with the pictures that Helmut Newton shot for Stern or published in the Hamburg magazine over a period of 27 years. The pics are among the highlights of the 1980s and '90s fashion photography.
Thomas Osterkorn, and Andreas Petzold (eds.), Helmut Newton. The stern years 1973-2000, teNeues, 2009. First edition. Hardcover, 96 pp. 36,5 x27,8 cm. (Stern Fotografie, Portfolio Nr. 63).
From the 1970s to the mid-1980s, stern was the only popular magazine in Germany to publish Newton's pictures. No German Vogue or Elle existed. Years before he published his first book, White Women, in 1976, Newton introduced the image of tall, phallic women in photography.
Underpinned by a strong irony appearing in scenography, filmic allusions, and his choice of props, the statuesque women Newton portrayed would alter fashion and fashion photography in the 1980s and beyond. Newton's Big Nudes eventually became the photographic equivalent of international fashion's supermodels.
A fine copy