Design+Design 87. Unabhängige Zeitschrift für Design Sammler / Independent Magazine For Design Collectors. Jan.-März 2009. Jo Klatt, (ed.)
Stapled, self-cover magazine. DIN A4, 20 pp. including the cover. Illustrated profusely with b/w photographs, illustrations, and design drawings.
Language German
This is a new copy, never sent to any subscriber.
Braun+Design (from issue #22 onward: Design+Design) was a specialist journal for Braun collectors published by Jo Klatt Design+Design Verlag in Hamburg. No longer in print, it contained carefully researched and illustrated articles on all aspects of Braun Design, and its collection, featuring products and designs in line with the Braun design philosophy such as Apple.
- Günter Staeffler: Die Cassettenrecorder von Braun.
- Thomas de Lates: Die Audiokassette - ernsthaftes Vintage-HiFi oder einfach nur veralteter Tonträger ohne Zukunft? Abgesang auf ein Audio-Provisiorium
- Claus C. Cobarg und Dietrich Lubs: Wie entstand der SK 4, wer gab him den Namen 'Schneewittchensarg'?
- Günter Staefffler: Das Tischfeuerzeug Braun cylindric. Original und Neuproduktionen.
- Günter Staeffler: Entwicklung eines Bausystems für Sitzmöbel und Tisch. Eine Hommage an das Bauhaus.
- Günter Staeffler: Braun Küchenabfall-Zerkleinerer KAZ 1/11. Ein praktisches Gerät für den Haushalt.
- Jens Plewa: Quo Vadis Apple?
- Neue Design-Produkte
- aktuelle Ausstellung und Literatur
This issue contains one insert:
On a grey DIN A4 sheet, published in März 2009: ads by collectors selling Braun products and other collectibles.
EN translation
- Günter Staeffler: The Braun cassette recorders.
- Thomas de Lates: The audio cassette - serious vintage HiFi or simply an obsolete sound carrier without a future? Farewell to an audio provisional
- Claus C. Cobarg and Dietrich Lubs: How did the SK 4 come into being, who gave it the name "Snow White's Coffin"?
- Günter Staefffler: The table lighter Braun cylindric. Original and new designs.
- Günter Staeffler: Development of a construction system for seating furniture and table. A tribute to the Bauhaus.
- Günter Staeffler: Braun kitchen waste shredder KAZ 1/11. A practical appliance for the household.
- Jens Plewa: Quo Vadis Apple?
- New design products
- Current exhibitions and literature