Cesare Pavese, Drie verhalen. Schellebelle: Grijm vzw, 1985. Klassieken en marginalen 1, onder redactie van Willy Roggeman. Dutch translation of the short stories 'Fine d'agosto', 'Risveglio' and 'L'estate' from the collection Feria d'agosto. Translated from the Italian by Max Nord. Original edition: Feria d'agosto. Torino: Giulio Einaudi Editore, 1946.
Set in Linotype Garamond 12 pt. Printed on 110 gr Doopsuikerhoorntjes in a limited edition of 300 copies. Cover: Dossier "Fibrama" 310 gr.
A very good copy. Back cover heavily sunned. Right upper corner of cover slightly dog-eared.