München, London, New York: Prestel Verlag, 2014. 1st edition, 1st printing. Paperback, 192 p. 16 x 24 cm.
Written by Julia Stelzner, an ex-copywriter and fashion/lifestyle journalist living in Berlin who writes for major German dailies like the Frankfurter Allgemeine (FAZ), Zeit online, Berlin newspaperTagesspiegel, this book explores aspects of the so-called 'Hauptstadtmode.
7 essays, 25 label portraits, 15 style interviews. Great names like Leyla Piedayesh's Lala Berlin, (Vogue watch list), Rita in Palma (flaunting a love letter from Michèle Obama on her website), Bobby Kolade, Vonschwanenflügelpupke, and many more. Complete with a 7 page City guide on Berlin fashion blogs, magazines and (second-hand) shops in the back of the book. The book covers 'every aspect of the city's love affair with fashion' (Urban Outfitters). That also means: vegan fashion, das Comeback von City-West und Ettina Berrios-Negron, owner of the renowned Konk store, whose great apartment in Mitte I rented once in a snowy Berlin winter.
That's no reason, however, to buy the book. But if you have only a minor interest in the city and its 'widerspenstige' fashion scene, it might be worthwhile.
Condition: Like new. Appears unread. O ja: Sprache: Deutsch!