Carl Heinz Harbeke in co-operation with Behnisch & Partner - Christian Kandzia (eds), Bauten für Olympia '72. München - Kiel - Augsburg. Buildings and Facilities for the Olympic Games 1972. München: Harbeke Verlag, 1972. Hardcover, 248 pp. 29,5 x 22 cm.
Illustrated with b/w, color photographs, aerial photographs, and architectural drawings throughout. Contains advertisements for building and facilities products and solutions.
Language: German.
A Good copy. Lamination peeling slightly at the top end of the spine and along the spine. Corners worn. Front cover's lower edge roughed up. Upper corner back cover dented. An 8 cm kind of crease toward the upper side of the back cover. Some foxing on table of content page. Else, clean and tight.