Alain Dupuy - Joel-Peter Witkin

Blicero Books
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Alain Dupuy (ed.), Joel-Peter Witkin. Madrid: Ministerio de cultura, 1988. Clothbound hardcover with a debossed cross design and title on the spine, 107 pp. 21,5 x 21,5 cm. 

Catalog to an exhibition that ran at the Centro de arte Reina Sofia, from April - June 1988. Essays by Alain Dupuy, Antonio Saura, and Witkin in Spanish, with the primary text in English.

Text: Spanish


  • Juan Miguel Hernandez Leon: 'Presentacion'
  • Alain Dupuy: 'Cuando la fotografia se viste de parabolas'
  • Maqueta para el crucifijo
  • Joel-Peter Wikin: 'De lo material a lo espiritiual'
  • Grupo de diez dibujos preparatorios y sus respectivas fotografias
  • Antonio Saura: 'Una horribile y sublime belleza'
  • Relacion de obras expuestas
  • Colecciones permanentes
  • Seleccion de exposiciones monograficas
  • Seleccion bibliografica

Catalog for the most comprehensive Witkin-retrospective up to 1987

This 1st edition hardcover accompanies the most comprehensive retrospective of Witkin's work up to that date. The exhibition included 73 photographs taken between 1975 and 1987, along with a significant four-meter crucifix, a project stemming from his 1960s experiments with three-dimensional photography.

The show included a photographic reinterpretation of Velázquez's Las Meninas, created specifically for the exhibition. Witkin considered Velázquez, Picasso, and Miró among his greatest influences.