Max, October 1997. 296 pp. 33,5 x 23,5 cm. 'Germany' issue of the German photo, pop culture, and lifestyle magazine. 'Das grosse Deutschlandheft'. 66 pages on German identity at the end of the 1990s, based on a big survey amongst young Germans focusing on German identity, Heimat, Sex and love.
Including a Frankfurt city guide.
- Herb Ritts: Nude sports bodies
- Jodie Foster, Nastassje Kinski, Catherine Flemming, Tic Tac Toe
- Images of Germany: Sylvie Fleury, Imi Knoebel, Johannes Kahrs, Jürgen Klauke, K.H. Hödicke, Magnus von Plessen, Tobias Rehberger
A very good + copy. The left cover flap that hides the Ralph Lauren ad has a small tear in the lower right corner.